Get a spine: all about correct posture

So you want to improve your posture. Do you know what that means? Modern society is often unaware and sometimes not even concerned with what is good posture and why it is important. As one of the few animals with upright posture, humans are quite blessed. Due to our upright posture, we have a wider field of vision, greater mobility with our bodies and use of our hands, and much better sex. Ensuring that we maintain our posture intact is vital to many things, such as our level of confidence and, of course, our health. Unfortunately, the correct posture is weirder than it used to be, and if you're like me, you're curious to know why.

Having a good posture is important to avoid back and neck problems later in life. It helps our digestion by giving our internal organs more room to function. It provides us with more energy. It generally looks better. There seems to be no reason NOT to focus on good posture, so why is it becoming a slouche epidemic? There are some simple telltale signs of poor ท่าลดหน้าท้อง.

You can tell if someone has poor posture by following some guidelines:

- have rounded shoulders

- His neck and head lean forward

- His lower back is very arched and his rear protrudes

- They have a constant "inclination" to one side or the other. If any of these things are evident, then there must be some improvement in posture.

Chances are you've seen many people showing these symptoms, or maybe showing them yourself. I think much of this problem comes from the lifestyle presented to children. Most habits are formed in the early stages of life, but if you look at today's youth, you will notice that they spend much of their days sitting at a desk, bent over a task. As if that wasn't enough, they get places by car or bus, and then they sit at home playing video games or watching the subway! Even here I have only covered the basics. Look at the load of books they must carry on their backs, or the bags that cause postural imbalance by having only one strap. Many bed mattresses are terrible for posture because they do not provide support for the sleeper. Of course, there are other reasons for poor posture. Many taller people stoop slightly to get closer to eye level. People hit with trust issues often bend, and much more, but those issues have been around for millennia. I think the sudden rise in bad posture is due to the information age lifestyle: the age of the hobo. Of course, children are not the only ones affected, how many adults know that with bad posture they are trapped sitting in a cubicle of 9 to 5? There are many causes of chronic posture problems, and identifying the causes of yours is a start to avoid in the future.

So what does good posture look like? Better yet, how does it feel? Imagine for a moment that there is a rope running from the crown of your head, and that it has been fastened along your spine. Now place your hand on your head and gently lift this rope. Remember that your spine does not stop at your back, it also goes up your neck. Often when someone is told to fix their posture, they take the weight they carry on their shoulders and simply place it on the lower back arching from that point. The real key to good posture is the lift and stack method.


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